Every siege battle is the same map, and it isn't even a siege map it's just a regular generic flat map that you can't defend properly and can't run from. What it is instead, is an over complicated micro managing nightmare with not a shred of sense to it getting in the way of you being able to even notice how cool it is that you have an army of trees. This DLC contains a half finished faction which could if implemented properly be the most interesting and fun faction in the game. This DLC contains a half finished faction which could if implemented properly be The people saying this is extensive are clearly paid by CA. The people saying this is extensive are clearly paid by CA. But if you've already been playing the game with all the other races for many months, the challenge is more than welcome and the addition of Wood Elves gives Total War Warhammer a fresh feeling and adds a lots more hours of enjoyment. The building trees and character skill trees are also more complicated than you'd be used to. In the battles, Wood Elves need quite a bit more micro management than other races, but when you master them, they become very powerful indeed. Overall the difficulty has been ramped up a bit as you'll now have to manage a new strategic resource called amber which is needed everywhere: buildings, tech, units and even your progression towards victory all rely on it.

All the Wood Elf units from the tabletop are present, a set of new magic spells has been introduced and Wood Elves have a whole set of new play mechanics on the campaign map, making them very distinct when compared to all the races that have come before.

All the Wood Elf units Easily one of the most extensive DLCs, Realm of the Wood Elves has way more content than the expansion packs of old. Easily one of the most extensive DLCs, Realm of the Wood Elves has way more content than the expansion packs of old.